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The best Flea Markets in Barcelona

Leisure 26/06/2024
a woman is reading a book in a flea market in barcelona

“What for some is trash, for others is a treasure”, this saying fits perfectly with the concept of second-hand markets. These types of markets have always been very popular in all large cities, and Barcelona is no exception.

Below, we present a list of the best Flea Markets in the city, also known in some places as “rastros” or “flea markets”. Whether you are looking for clothes, accessories, shoes, books, furniture, vintage items or any type of rarity, it is very possible that you can find your treasure in one of these markets:

Els Encants Vells - Fira de Bellcaire

Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

It is the largest and oldest open-air market in Barcelona, its origin dates back to 1300 although it has changed location over the years. Officially, the name of the market is Fira de Bellcaire, but it is popularly known as Los Encantes (Encants in Catalan). It is a reference market that exceptionally combines tradition and modernity. In the Encants, authentic wonders have been found that today belong to collectors, museums and lucky individuals.

In the past it was a simple esplanade where all the products were laid out and displayed on the ground. In 2013, the new building that houses the Market was inaugurated, and now it is a space open to the four winds but it has a 25-meter-high roof that is the most avant-garde. In addition, the space is divided into different stops prepared for the exhibition. of the articles.

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. The traditional auction takes place, where different lots of products are sold and then the merchants put them up for sale. It is an auction for registered professionals in the sector, but it is truly quite a spectacle to come and see it as a mere spectator.

Flea Market Barcelona

It is an association that was founded in 2007, El Flea was its first and most emblematic market, it was organized monthly in the Raval and in it, people sold and exchanged second-hand products of all kinds at very reasonable prices. To this day, they continue to organize this type of markets and, in addition, they also do others with more specific themes and in different locations.

On their website you can consult the flea-calendar of the different markets that they organize.

Lost & Found Market

It is a second-hand and vintage objects market that was born in Barcelona in 2007 and normally takes place every 3 months. The location and date usually varies although it is usually done on Sunday. It is an unmissable event for lovers of second-hand objects and clothing. In it you can find clothing, vinyl, furniture and all kinds of old vintage items.

Sant Antoni Sunday Market

Every Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

The ideal market for collectors and book lovers. It has become a small jewel of Barcelona where you can find old, second-hand books and also out-of-print editions, as well as collectibles such as trading cards, posters, postcards, stamps, video games...

It has almost a hundred stalls, it is one of the largest markets of this type in Europe and is organized every Sunday without exception at the Mercat de Sant Antoni.

Two Market

They started in 2010, they are markets mainly for clothing and accessories, although you can also find other types of items. They are usually held in Poblenou, although they also often use the Nau Bostik to organize Second Hand Market Sundays. They are known for their special editions of everything for €1 or €5. Admission is usually free, although for some more popular events they charge €3 and registration is required.

You can check their agenda so you don't miss any of their events


From Tuesday to Sunday (MV 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.; SD. 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.)

It is the meeting point for lovers of antiques, arts, gastronomy and music. Located in an old ceramics factory, this market offers more than 15,000m2 divided between the Nave Central, the Barrio de las Casetas and the Old District. Around 150 merchants and 6 restaurants with a varied gastronomic offer are concentrated in this space.

It is located outside the city, specifically in the Municipality of Sant Cugat, about 25km from Barcelona. The visit is normally free, but on Sundays from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Entry costs €2. It can be easily reached by Railways (FGC).

For all lovers of second-hand items, collecting, vintage and similar, Barcelona is a great destination. Now that conscious and responsible consumption is so booming and people are trying to give things a much longer life, these events are the order of the day and, for that reason, almost every weekend you can find an event of this type and, if during your visit to the city there are none, it is not a problem, you can always visit the permanent markets, where you can find a large number of options.

We hope you can find your great hidden treasure in one of the Flea Markets in Barcelona!
